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Study on Job Burnout of Female College English Teachers |
1-7 |
Yan Ji DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0001 |
8-15 |
Jiaxin Zou, Yuqing Wang, Caihong Chen DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0002 |
16-27 |
Yuhong Zhang, Kefang Chen DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0003 |
The Real and the Virtual are Merging: Metaverse Reshapes the New
Ecology of "Learning Factory" |
28-40 |
Yongjie Xiao DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0004 |
Multicultural Awareness for Developing Global Leadership in Early
Childhood Education |
41-46 |
Haijiao Zhang DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0005 |
47-51 |
Hui Li, Jie Tang, Fangming Liu, Luhua Zou, Youlin Tang DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0006 |
Digital Transformation of University Administration: Background,
Motivation and Strategies |
52-57 |
Ying Cui DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0007 |
58-67 |
Xiao Ma DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0008 |
68-73 |
Tao Zhu, Nana He DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0009 |
A Review of Intonation Research at Home and Abroad |
74-83 |
Mengli Han DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0010 |
84-90 |
Zhengyu Duan DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0011 |
91-107 |
Gaohua Li DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0012 |
108-114 |
Xueyan Kong, Mengyao Fu, Junyan Chen, Yanni Zhang DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0013 |
Visual Analysis of the Hot Spots and Trends of Intelligent
Psychology based on Citespace |
115-121 |
Wenjing Li, Ruguo Song, Peng Sun, and Yongjun Dan DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0014 |
122-130 |
Yahan Du, Yongzhen Zhang DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0015 |
The Enlightenment of International Chinese Teaching based on Krashen’s
Monitor Model Theory |
131-136 |
Zijun Ao DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0016 |
137-144 |
Shuangfa Fan, Hongying Cai, Qiuhua Wang, Zhengquan Dai, Xinlei Qian,
Chichen Wang DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0017 |
145-151 |
Jian Zhao DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0018 |
152-157 |
Qiongyu Wang DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0019 |
158-163 |
Bingxin Lan DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0020 |
The Function of Social Workers in Community Grassroots Governance --
Fieldwork based on FX Community |
164-171 |
Qi Zhang DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0021 |
The Legal Protection of the Right to Disconnect of Workers in China
under Digital Era |
172-178 |
Boting Lin, Jingyu Zhang DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0022 |
Research on Issues Related to Cotton Futures and Options |
179-188 |
Jianwei Lu, Yuyan Zhao DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0023 |
189-195 |
Bin Hong, Dan Li DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0024 |
196-204 |
Jie Wang DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0025 |
High School English Curriculum Design Pointing to Disciplinary Core Literacy |
205-209 |
Tianqi Kang DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0026 |
210-219 |
Chunli Li DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0027 |
Research on the Influence of Family Education on Students' Mental
Health and Countermeasures |
220-225 |
Yajie He DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0028 |
Analysis and Exploration of the Digital Literacy Cultivation System
for Vocational College Students |
226-233 |
Yi Zhu DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0029 |
234-239 |
Hong Shao, Jierong Lin DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0030 |
240-245 |
Yiling Dai DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0031 |
Study of Rural Education among the Jino Ethnic Group: Resources,
Expectations, and Gender Equality |
246-250 |
Xinyi Shen DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0032 |
251-262 |
Fangfang Li DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0033 |
263-270 |
Sicong Wang, Congyao Hu DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0034 |
271-274 |
Li Duan DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0035 |
275-282 |
Mengjie Jiang, Yanyu Cui DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0036 |
283-294 |
Yaohui Zhong DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0037 |
295-302 |
Yao Liu DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0038 |
Research on the Regulation of Mobile Phone Search in Criminal
Proceedings |
303-310 |
Bin Li DOI:10.6918/IJOSSER.202407_7(7).0039 |
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